Obtaining Stamina
May 21, 2019
Obtaining Stamina
It costs Stamina to challenge instances and participate in events. Your Stamina recovers slowly until it reaches the cap. You can also gain Stamina in the following ways:
1. Purchase with Diamonds
You can buy Stamina with Diamonds, which is simple but effective. You can only buy Stamina a certain number of times each day, and it becomes more expensive with each purchase.
2. Via Grand Pope's Treasures
You can obtain a great deal of Stamina by excavating basic treasures. Each scroll grants you 10 Stamina.
3. Claim Stamina by being online on full hours
You can claim Stamina every noon and evening for free. If you miss it, you can always spend a small amount of Diamonds to get it.
4. Training Arena
Defeating all opponents of a wave grants you a 9 victory chest, which contains 20 Stamina.
5. Purchase Store Packs
Store Packs containing Stamina are available as limited-time offers in the Pack Shop.
6. Training Grounds Storage
When your Stamina is capped, a certain percent of the Stamina you gain will be stored in your Training Grounds, and can be collected when needed.